Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Utah- Cherry Hill Trip

Ready to hit the road!

First stop...Helix

Paige rode with us to Helix to meet up with Grammy and Papa

First book of the trip, written by one of my amazing teachers

Helix Sunset

Trying out Auntie's new golf cart!

Enjoying the new Helix pool Auntie has worked so hard on!

Next stop, the Mountain Home RV Park!

Late night swim with Grammy

Morning snuggles, card games, and a little iPad time

We had a bird visitor right outside of our trailer

Dinner stop at Travelers' Oasis 
(Sadly, I left my credit card there, but they are mailing it to me)

Getting closer to Cherry Hill!

Quick stop at the Golden Spike National Monument

Trucks filled with tired kiddos

We made it! Dinner in the trailer at Cherry Hill!

Jiffy Pop for an after dinner treat!

Picking a few cherries from the tree by Grammy's trailer

Day One at Cherry Hill

Day Two-
Audrey, Grammy and I went to Salt Lake so Audrey could compete in the public speaking contest at the National Holstein Convention

Presenting her speech on "Milk As A Sports Drink"

Everyone else hit the water park and we joined them after lunch

Day Three started with a cousin breakfast...

then off to the water park

Cousin dinner with the Cook Clan at Lisa and Tyler's new house

Day Four-
Audrey's awards breakfast at the National Holstein Convention, more water park fun, and a day on the lake for Justin and Audrey in the Nay's boat

Tula hanging in the air conditioned trailer with Papa 

More water park fun

Rock Mining

Rock Climbing

Astro Blaster Game

Mini Golf

A little prize from the gift shop

Post dinner treats

Boating fun with the Nays!
Audrey tried wakeboarding too, but it was a little windy so she didn't get up this time

The morning of Day Five was spent at the Museum of Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point and then the afternoon was spent with some final hours at the water park

Enjoying our last afternoon at Cherry Hill

Recreating a few Hadley photos from our last trip

The rock mining was closed when Audrey went, so we bought the pack and did it at home when we got back

Best buds

One last round of mini-golf

Last day in Utah. 
The Smiths, and Grammy and Papa, headed home early so the five of us decided to spend the morning at the Hogle Zoo before heading out ourselves

Feeding "Meeka"

Blew a tire on the way to Mountain Home, Idaho 😞

Thankfully the Wal-Mart was still open and had four tires in stock! They got us back on the road after an hour!

Almost to Garden Home

Early morning swim before heading back to Helix

Rest area stop to take a break from the wind

We went the whole trip and then on the last day someone left the cupboard open and all the food fell out! 😂

Book Number Two!

Almost to Helix

One last swim in the Helix pool before heading home

One last night at Grammy and Papa's Helix house

Headed home!

Audrey "rock mining" with her kit from Cherry Hill


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