Sunday, June 30, 2024

June Fun

Belated birthday card from Auntie Debbie and Uncle Jerry

Playing with Nutmeg when she spent the night

Last day of spring soccer

Late evening walk at the wildlife refuge

Poor sick baby 

Six year check-up!

They said she had a "bead" in her ear so they flushed it out...

It turned out to be pretty uneventful (and super tiny) 😂

Lillian lost a tooth at school. Only one more to go before she's done losing teeth 😢

Kindergarten promotion day!
Hadley with her teacher Mrs. Runckel

Hadley with Mrs. Boling!

Singing their kindergarten song

Hadley and her friend Everrett

Field Day!

Sadie and Hugh's birthday!

Still not feeling 100%, darn ear infections 

Our fifth grader leaving after her last full day of elementary school

Last day of school

Hadley with Mrs. Boling!

Hadley with Mrs. Roth!

Hadley with Mrs. Runckel!

Lillian's 5th grade promotion!

Lillian with her teacher Mr. Godfrey!

Lillian with Miss Lisa!

Lillian and Miss Lori

Hadley and her friend Eliza!

Lillian with her kinder teacher Mrs. Runckel!

Lillian with her 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Mattes!

Lillian with her 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Barnard!

Lillian with her 4th grade teacher Mrs. DeGregorio!

A pic with the principal 😂💚

First day of summer lunch at iHop

Audrey's last day of 7th Grade!

First day of summer treats!




Ready for summer!

Last day of gymnastics for Hadley and Lillian

Getting ready for their 4-H Foods Contest
Audrey made chicken Alfredo

Lillian made a grilled cheese sandwich

Both girls won champion for their age divisions!

Trish sleepover

4-H Meeting Fun

Father's Day!
Headed to visit Papa Doug in the hospital

Off to see "Inside Out 2" with Papa Randy and Daddy

Justin and Lillian watching "Dumb and Dumber" 😂

More 4-H Fun

First blueberry from our new blueberry plants

More fun with Tula and Trish

Hadley with some of her birthday money purchases

Audrey had a fun sleepover at her friend Aubree's house!


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