Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July Memories

Making dinner for the family

This girl loves her Dutch stickers

Fourth of July!

Fun in Newberg with some friends

Fourth of July picnic with the Miller/Doney clan

Hadley found this bat at the rest area 

On our way we stopped at my mom's childhood home in Knappa

We also stopped to visit Memee and Poppy

Picnic Fun

Snuggles with Baby Oaklee

Celebrating DeeDee's heavenly birthday

Dropping the big girls off at Camp Tadmor

Stopping to cool off in the river on the way home 

Splash pad fun

Audrey and Lillian enjoying Camp Tadmor

Hadley spent the first part of the week with Grammy Seahawk and Papa Randy

And the second half of the week with Grammy Liz and Papa Doug

Myers/Wulf Family Campout at Champoeg State Park

Hadley lost a tooth while camping, and the tooth fairy visited the trailer!

Countryside VBS
Audrey and Lillian were both group leaders this year

New bike!

Master Showmanship clinic

Daddy-Hadley Date

Audrey's soccer camp

Sherwood Robinhood Parade

Early birthday celebration for Daddy

Celebrating July and August birthdays!

Birthday crew!

Daddy's summer work picnic

Friend time with Eliza

Hadley made a picnic lunch for her and Daddy...all by herself
Wings and Waves for Audrey and her friend Ellie

Daddy's homemade pizza

Fair Prep

Tula helping with fair prep

Grammy Seahawks birthday dinner

Audrey's crochet lion

More fair prep

Daddy's new work mugs

Daddy's birthday!

Trying out Daddy's new binoculars

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