Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One Year- 22 Weeks

Sweet Hadley Mae is so much fun right now! She is talking a lot and almost always understands what we are saying to her as well. She does like to throw things and shout "no," but other than we are really enjoying this stage. Hadley says all kinds of sentences now and spends her days telling us all about how she feels. She loves playing with baby dolls and is still obsessed with shoes. She also loves putting things away and picking up all her big sister's dirty laundry to throw in their laundry hampers. Her bottom cuspid tooth popped through this weekend and we can't wait for the last two to pop through as well. Hadley eats most anything we give her, as long as she's in the mood, and she even slept through the night last night after a few weeks of waking up off and on every night. Here's hoping that's a new trend!

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