Tuesday, October 1, 2019

One Year- 19 Weeks

Hadley is talking up a storm! She's saying new words every single day and starting to use complete sentences as well. Some of her recent sayings are, "Where'd he go?" and "I need help." She also now says please, apple, bubbles, and her own version of "Hi Audrey!" Hadley's first top cuspid tooth popped through this week and I don't think her next top one is far behind. She also spent her first night away from Mommy this past weekend and it sounds like she did great! She is close to being done with nursing and is doing much better about sleeping through the night consistently. Hadley climbs everything and has taken a few good tumbles from our dinning room table chairs this week. It's hard to see in the pic, but she currently has a pretty good bruise on her left cheek as a result of one of those falls. It sure hasn't seemed to stop her though!

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