Tuesday, October 4, 2011

45 Weeks Old

Wow...45 weeks old. Our little miss is getting to be such a big girl. She is trying so hard to walk and she has even take a few steps on her own. It won't be long before she's walking all over the place. She says all kinds of words (no, out, tickle-tickle, dog, dad, dada, mama and her own version of Audrey). She loves to read books and we often find her just sitting on the floor flipping through the pages of her board books. She is still eating everything we put in front of her and she especially likes eating out with a group so she can have a few bites of everyone's food! Her hair is getting longer but she still doesn't like me to do much with it. :) She will wear a bow if I sneak it in, but that's about it. She can make a click-clack sound with her tongue and she is very proud of herself when she can copy Mommy and Daddy making that same sound. It seems like just yesterday we were spending our first day in the hospital with her. Time is just flying by, but we are enjoying every minute!

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