Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Six Years Old

Hadley Mae is six today! She is loving kindergarten and learning so much! Her favorite thing is math and she is starting to be an amazing reader and writer. Hadley is such a great friend at school and we are very proud of the kind girl she's growing up to be. She loves gymnastics, swimming, painting, playing with friends, and camping. Hadley also loves spending time with her cousins and playing video games with Daddy. We love that Hadley makes us laugh almost every day and fills our days with sunshine. She can still be shy at times, but she's getting braver around new people and it's fun to watch her share the things she knows with others. We are so proud of this sweet girl and are trying not to blink because time is going by way too quickly!
 Here are Hadley's answers to her annual birthday questions:

What's your favorite thing to do?
Play with my friends 

What do you want to be when you grow up? 
Gymnastics Teacher, Math Teacher, and Science Teacher

What's your favorite food? 
Chicken nuggets, fries, strawberries, apples and cucumbers 

What's your favorite color? 
Pink and Yellow

Who's your teacher? 
Mrs. Runckel

What's your favorite song?
"Boomerang" by JoJo Siwa 

Who do you like to spend time with? 
Alice and Janie

What's something you can do really well? 
Math and Cartwheels 

What makes you laugh? 
Jokes and my Booty Shaking Llama 

What's the best time of day? 
After school time

What are you afraid of?
Monsters and Creepy Shadows 

Who's your best friend? 

What's your favorite TV show? 

What do you like to do with your family? 

What do you like to learn about? 

Where do you like to go? 
Cousin's House and Cherry Hill

What's your favorite book? 
"May I Please Have A Cookie?"

If you had one wish what would be? 
That I would have a baby pet unicorn that could fly 

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