Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Four Years- 7 Months

Hadley is having quite a fun month! She loved having her cousins here for Thanksgiving, and her December has been full of all kinds of new adventures! Hadley has especially loved dancing in her winter recital, riding the Polar Express train, Zoo Lights, and singing in Teacher Carol's Christmas program. She has many things on her wishlist this year, but is really hoping for a new scooter and lots of princess stuff! Hadley is still in love with Princess Tiana and her sisters have picked out lots of fun Tiana stuff for her. We were very proud of how well Hadley did on her first trimester progress report at school. She knows all her letter names and almost all her letter sounds. She is excited to start learning to read, and is working on learning some sight words. Hadley asks frequently how many days it is until her "number five birthday" and she has been busy planning her party since Audrey's birthday last month. We are excited to watch her excitement during this Christmas season, and we are beyond blessed to have such a sweet and healthy girl. 


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