Monday, December 21, 2020

Two Years- 7 Months

Hadley Mae is growing up way too fast! She talks all the time and always has lots to say. Hadley loves to sing, although not if you want her to, and knows all the words to so many songs. Her favorites right now are Jingle Bell Rock, Frosty the Snowman, and the Mona Soundtrack. Hadley loves to swing on the gymnastic rings in our playroom. It's one of her very favorite things to do. She also loves reading books, kinetic sand, snuggling, playing chase, and her iPad. Hadley's favorite show is still Daniel Tiger, but she's also been watching the Grinch and The Star quite a bit this Christmas season. Currently, Hadley LOVES "coffee" from Dutch Bros and asks for "her coffee" several times a day. Good things we can heat chocolate milk at home on the days we aren't headed to Dutch Bros. =) She just starting to understand the concept of Christmas and presents and it will be exciting to see her reaction to our holiday celebrations this week! Hadley had her 30 month check-up at the end of November and was in the 90+ percentile for both weight and high. We could not be more thankful for our healthy, happy girl. 


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