Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Two Years- 2 Months

Hadley has loved swimming in our pool this month. She is getting braver about being in the water, and is just starting to walk around instead of hanging on to the ladder the whole time. She had a fun 4th of July, though she mostly loved the treats and didn't appreciate the fireworks too much. We have had fun visiting the local creek a few times this week and Hadley loves throwing sticks, leaves and pinecones into the water. She's had lots of ice-cream this summer and loves going for walks. Hadley also had her first visits to the Oregon Zoo and had a great time looking for all the animals. She also took a trip to the dentist to have her teeth cleaned, but she just screamed the whole time so we will try again next time. She is growing up so fast and we love her little personality. Hadley uses so many words and never has a problem sharing how she feels. We love her bunches and couldn't imagine our life without her. 


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