Friday, June 12, 2020

A Few Thoughts...

I really don’t use my social media accounts for anything more that sharing pictures of my girls with my family and friends (well...and maybe buying and selling things on local swap sites), but I have a few things that have been on my heart and I want to take a minute to share them. Let’s be honest, no one is changing anyone’s mind from a social media post. To think that we will change the world by making such posts is just untrue. Do you know what can change the world though...

*ACTING in a way that reflects kindness towards others, even if they look, think or believe differently than you. 
*Always being open to learning and changing based on new information, opinions or situations you encounter. 
*Being brave enough to ADMIT when your thinking may have been wrong, and owning up to it if you need to make a change.
*Being willing to change, grow and do better.
*Not sitting silent when others need your support.
*Continuing to learn something new every day. 
*Gathering information from all kinds of sources. Questioning, searching for answers, never taking anything at face value (especially things you read on social media).
*Staying true to your values and beliefs, without  putting down the values and beliefs of others.  
*Talking to people who think and look differently than you. Listening to their stories. Asking questions. Learning from them. 
*Modeling positive actions in real life and on social media. Thinking before you act. Thinking before you post.
*Truly wanting the best for others, no matter who they are, and acting in a way that reflects it 
*Talking to your kids about what’s going on in the world. Teaching them that we can do better, that we NEED to do better.
*ALWAYS striving yourself to do and be better, and never settling for anything less. 
*LOVING other people. Yes of course all people, but ESPECIALLY those of color who need our love the most right now. ❤️

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