Tuesday, March 31, 2020

One Year- 45 Weeks

Hadley is back at Teacher Carol's this week, just for the mornings, and is very excited to have Audrey and Lilly there with her. She did like the slower pace of spring break though, and especially enjoyed all the family walks and bike rides. Hadley loves to sing all kinds of songs, and is currently singing "Old McDonald Had A Farm" and "Row Row Row Your Boat." She loves all kinds of animals and really likes to call for ducks when we are on our walks. She also likes to stop any time she sees rate to make sure there aren't any ducks. Hadley has really wanted to wear big girl panties this week (which we've tried a handful of times) but refuses to go potty in the potty, which as you can imagine does't usually end well. She is getting really good at reminding everyone not to pee on the floor though. 

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