Tuesday, June 25, 2019

One Year- 5 Weeks

Hadley is having a great summer so far! This week, Audrey and Lilly are both at VBS for the mornings so she's enjoying lots of one-on-one time with our summer babysitters. Hadley loves playing in the back yard, "riding" her bike, and going to the park. She also enjoyed her first camp fire with friends on Sunday night and tried her first s'more! Hadley is working on cutting her bottom molars and hasn't been sleeping as great the last few nights, but she's still staying in her crib and hasn't slept in her car seat since school go out! Hadley eats most anything, but only for a few bits and then she wants to try something new. Her favorite foods are still anything with cheese! We have had lots of tumbles, bumps, and scrapes as Miss Hadley starts to explore and climb more, but she is learning how to be cautious and make safe choices. Right now, Hadley is big on screeching when she doesn't get her way and her new words of the week are "mama" and "uh-oh spaghetti-os."

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