Monday, May 6, 2019

50 Weeks Old

Hadley Mae is 50 weeks old today! She is growing up so fast and it's hard to believe we will be celebrating her first birthday soon. Hadley had a great time in Tillamook this weekend and loved trying some new foods. She especially enjoyed Papa Randy's protein shake and peanut butter cookies.  She has been a bit fussy the last two days, but we are hopeful she is just growing and doesn't have another ear infection. Hadley is still sleeping about the same (up 2-3 times a night) but we are hoping that continues to improve in the weeks to come. She LOVES to dance right now and will bust a move any time she hears music. She is close to saying "Uh-Oh" and is starting to "talk" on the phone every time she steals one from a grown up. 

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