Sunday, April 21, 2019

11 Months Old

Hadley Mae is one month away from her first birthday! She is walking all over the place and loves to explore. She has almost out grown her size 12 months clothes and is currently in size 4 shoes! Hadley's sweet personality is really starting to come out and although she has a bit of a temper, she is almost always happy and loves to snuggle. She had been sleeping much better (only up once during the night) for the last week or so, but the last few nights haven't been as great. Her ears still seem to be bothering her a bit, but we are hopeful that this time it's because she's getting another tooth. She currently has eight teeth and a favorite part of her morning routine is brushing them before school. Hadley also loves to have her hair brushed and just this week we tried her very first ponytail. She still won't say "mama" but she is really good at "dada" and some other versions of a few additional words.  Excited to celebrate Miss Hadley's first birthday next month! We have already started planning a fun "bunny themed" party!

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