Monday, February 4, 2019

37 Weeks Old

Hadley is back from Disneyland and has already had a super busy week. She ended up with her first ear infection after we flew home but is feeling much better now that she's started on some antibiotics. Hadley is starting to take a few steps while holding onto things and is very good at pulling herself up and sitting back down all on her own. She had learned to clap this week and has been sleeping pretty well at night since we got home (only up a few times to eat). She also took her first big girl bath while we were in Disneyland and did such a good job sitting all by herself in the tub. Hadley had a rough two days back at school after our trip but we are hoping now that her ears are feeling better that this week will be much better. She LOVES to "talk" and our days are full of all kinds of "stories" from her adventures. 

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