Tuesday, September 2, 2014

One Year- 25 Weeks

Well I think I can officially say that Lillian is sleeping through the night. She nurses, we read books, brush teeth (which she is much happier about lately), turn out the lights and then lay her down to sleep and blow kisses goodnight. Lilly does a great job falling asleep on her own and I haven't been getting up at all with her during the night this week! She's still an early riser but that works just fine for our school schedule now. Lilly has loved playing with her friends this week and going on several adventures this past weekend. She has been eating great and taking good naps for Teacher Carol at school. She has also been using the potty for Carol (and us) a few times each day. Her favorite book right now is still her dinosaur opposites book and she loves to listen to Sandy Patty's Sunday School song mix in the car. 

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