Tuesday, July 15, 2014

One Year- 18 Weeks

Someone's hair is just long enough for her first pigtails! For the most part she enjoys having her hair done and she does pretty good about leaving it alone once we've done it. :) Lillian has loved swimming in our pool this week and she had a great time riding the rides at Oaks Park for Great Grandma's birthday this past weekend. Miss Lilly must be growing because she has been eating a lot this week and sleeping well too. She has even started to take a liking to meat (something she wasn't very into up until now). I still can't believe how much Lillian talks. You can tell she is trying to talk in sentences as she will babble a few words and then finish with the words she knows. She also even went potty in the big girl potty this week (although I'm sure it was nothing more than a well timed break that made it successful). :)

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