Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One year- 29 weeks

How is it that our Little Miss is growing up so fast? Every time I turn around she has learned something new. This is Audrey's last week of school and I know she is going to miss her friends over the summer. We are going to have to stay busy so that she doesn't get tired of hanging out with just her mama. :) Audrey can reach almost anything on the edge of the counter now and she loves to look around and see what "treats" we might be hiding just out of her reach. She is getting really good at putting on her own shoes and she loves to unzip her coats. Audrey has also enjoyed "swimming" on her back in the bathtub and she has almost figured out how to ride her big girl tricycle. 

 I was just thinking today how blessed we are to have such a happy girl. She doesn't cry much, only really gets fussy when she's hungry, eats and naps good, goes to bed like a champ (most of the time) and says the cutest things every single day. Words cannot express how much we love this little girl and I know we are both looking forward to seeing all the great things she will accomplish in life.

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