Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One year- 25 weeks

What a beautiful week it has been. Audrey has really been enjoying all the warm sunshine and our time playing outside. She loves anything with water and had a great time playing in the sprinkler this weekend (as long as the grass didn't touch her bare feet). She has also enjoyed playing "Nerf Guns" with daddy and she especially enjoys collecting all the darts and bringing them back to him, something daddy rather enjoys as well. :) Audrey hasn't been feeling super great this week and hasn't been eating too much. I think her molars are bothering her. We did have a wonderful Mother's Day though and I was very excited about my massage gift certificate, jewelry box and pedicure! I am one lucky mama. Audrey even went poo-poo in the potty before bed that night, bringing a perfect ending to a perfect day. :)


Alyson Hirsch said...

It looks as if Audrey is actually holding the glass on her shirt in this picture. =)

Miranda Johnson said...

Isn't that funny? I didn't notice until I uploaded the picture. I thought it was fitting for our hot, sunny week. :)