Thursday, June 23, 2011

Seven Months Old

It is hard to believe that it has already been seven months since Miss Audrey joined our family. It feels like it was just yesterday. We are more in love every day and are doing our best to cherish each moment, as they seem to go by quickly these days. Audrey is growing into such a fun little person. She has a great smile and is so curious about everything around her. Just last night Audrey figured out how to pull herself up using the side of her bassinet. I have a feeling we aren't going to make it through the whole summer without taking some steps. :) She still hasn't crawled in the traditional sense, but she does scoot all over the place on her bum. Today was Audrey's last day of "school" until the fall. It was a bitter sweet day because I am excited to be back home with her, but I also know how much she loves her new friends and her Teacher Carol. We are going to have to go back for lots of visits during the summer so we don't get board at home with Mommy. :)

This is the new "picture smile" I have been getting a lot lately
Happy about being able to stand up on her own!

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