Sunday, March 21, 2021

Two Years- 10 Months (from the trailer)

This girl is enjoying a fun weekend of camping in her trailer! She is also excited that her cousins are coming for spring break later this week! Miss Hadley has been a bit feisty at school lately, but she is working on being kinder to her friends. She does love school and is always singing the songs and playing "teacher" with Audrey and Lilly. Hadley is especially into dress-up and make-believe right now. She loves to be the "mom" and we all pretend to be her kids. Hadley has also decided she wants to pick out her own clothes and dress herself each day. It's a bit of a struggle most days because she really just wants to wear summer jammies every day, but we've worked out some good compromises and she has her four or five favorite "school outfits" to rotate through (one is the dress in this picture). Hadley loves being outside and is getting quite good at riding her scooter. She has been excited to sleep on Lilly's bottom bunk for the last several nights and is now requesting her own bunk bed, maybe for her birthday. She is still deciding on a birthday theme, but we are excited to celebrate her in a few months!


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