Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day 2021

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hadley working on her valentines for her friends at school. She wrote her "name" on each one and was so proud of herself. 

The big girls didn't have school valentines this year, but they did make some treat bags for their friends 

Teacher valentines 

Opening her valentines from Teacher Carol's party 

Cookies from Teacher Carol

Lilly's school "party" was canceled because of the snow, but her teacher still sent all the activities so they could do them on their own for their snow day assignments! She loved it! 

Audrey's class was asked to make a valentine for the class out of recycled materials. Here's the robot she designed all by herself. 

Valentine's Day cards! 

We usually just do chocolate boxes, but when your fun camping trip gets canceled because of bad weather, you get a little something extra to make the weekend fun! 

Hadley's treats 

Lilly's treats

Audrey's treats 

Valentine's Day morning 

Tula loved her treat too!

My pancake helper


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