Monday, November 23, 2020

Ten Years Old

Our Audrey Anne is 10 years old today! She is in the fourth grade and is at a new school this year. She isn't loving online learning, but makes the most of it. Audrey is a great reader and writes amazing stories! She loves playing the Animal Crossing video game and doing arts and craft projects. She also loves to make movies on her iPad. Audrey has really been missing swimming, soccer and playing with her friends and is excited for the day when it's safe to be back in groups again. Her favorite foods right now are cheese pizza, corn dogs, chicken noodle soup and Alfredo. Most of the time she's a great big sister and a super helper around the house. She loves to cook and has been making pancakes and a few other items all on her own! This year she is old enough for 4-H and we are hoping that she is able to participate in some 4-H activities this summer. Audrey has been loving our camping trips in our new trailer and especially loves being outside in nature. We love her to the moon and back and can't wait to see all the she accomplished in the years ahead. 

Here are Audrey's answers to her annual birthday questions:

What's your favorite thing to do?
Play with friends 

What do you want to be when you grow up? 
An architect

What's your favorite food? 
Daddy's Pizza

What's your favorite color? 
Purple or lavender 

Who's your teacher? 
Mrs. Miller 

What's your favorite song?
Born Ready by Dove Cameron

Who do you like to spend time with? 
My best friends 

What's something you can do really well? 
Most sports and video games 

What makes you laugh? 
Cards Against Humanity Family Edition

What's the best time of day? 
2 pm 

What are you afraid of? 
Not being able to fall asleep

Who are your best friends? 
Emma, Jaycee, Brennan and Catherine 

What's your favorite TV show? 
Marvel Rising 

What do you like to do with your family? 

What do you like to learn about? 

Where do you like to go? 
My friends' houses 

What's your favorite book? 
Mya Was Grumpy 

If you had one wish what would be? 
Covid to be over 

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