Tuesday, April 7, 2020

One Year- 46 Weeks

Miss Hadley is loving our new bounce house! She's been jumping every day since we set it up and is quite the daredevil, trying to jump straight down the slide without touching the top half at all. Hadley has also had way too much iPad time this week as we've been trying to help her big sisters with their school work, but she doesn't seem to mind one bit. She also grabbed an open aluminum can off the counter and sliced the end of her finger on Friday night. Now that we've convinced her to keep a bandaid on, it seems to be healing quite nicely. Hadley was especially excited when we had some special treats delivered by some friends this weekend and she's been asking for "chocolate snacks" every night since. We've had lots of bike rides and walks this week and Hadley always loves being outside doing whatever her big sisters are doing. 

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