Tuesday, July 16, 2019

One Year- 8 Weeks

Hadley seems to be much happier the last few days. She still isn't sleeping great at night, but she hasn't been as fussy during the day so we are hoping she's on the mend. This week Hadley has started to point to her nose when asked and also says "cheese" when we take her picture. She has been trying to make animal sounds when we read any book with an animal, although every animal makes the same sound in her mind right now. Hadley is starting to get too small for many of her 18 month clothes and we updated her closets with her 24 month/2T stash this past weekend. She is also wanting to do everything on her own, which does at times, cause some frustration for everyone involved. We are thankful though, that she is learning so much right now and are excited for each new development along the way.  

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