Friday, October 9, 2015

Missing Grandma

Seven years ago this morning and one day before her 70th birthday, while crossing the street to buy a newspaper on vacation, my Grandma Bert was hit and killed by a boy driving to school. I remember that morning so vividly. The phone call…the news. I was in the middle of parent teacher conferences. It does not seem like seven years ago. There are so many times in those seven years that I have thought, "Grandma Bert would love this!" She would love watching her family grow and experience life. She would love our family campouts, our Thanks-mas parties, and her new great-grandbabies. She would love that despite all we have been through we still stick together, find happiness in the simplest of things, and above all still have our faith in the God that she loved and raised us to know. A few months ago I had clearest dream. Grandma was there and she told me one thing, "Miranda, there will be good days and there will be bad days, but always keep your head up." How important it is to grow through the bad days and to remember that no matter what you are facing in life, things can always be worse. It helps me appreciate the good days that much more and to think of others who are going through things far more painful than me. Today, despite missing my Grandma like crazy, I choose to have a good day because I know my Grandma will be celebrating her birthday in heaven tomorrow with the biggest of celebrations and because I know that as a result of our undeserved salvation, I will indeed see her again. Praise God for that!
Love you bunches Grandma!!

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