So I thought about posting all of these pictures as part of several small posts, but decided it would be easier to just upload them all to one big long post. Sorry in advance if it takes you all day to scroll to the bottom of the page. ;)
We spent the weekend in Disneyland and despite my cold and Audrey's teething, we had a great time with our families at the the happiest place on earth. The weather was in the high 70's/low 80's all weekend and we had a great time just soaking up the sun and visiting with everyone that joined us for the trip.
Audrey did great on the plane rides. She slept most of the time.
Almost ready to land
Ready for day one at Disney!

Hugs for Aunt Kate

Mama's unhappy girl :(
(darn those teeth)

My Mom Lynne, Justin's Grandma Anne, Justin's Mom Liz, Audrey and I,
and my good friend Kate

This pretty much sums up our nights :(

Changing the channel for Mama

Day two!

Grandpa Doug and Audrey

She was NOT happy that ride wasn't going yet

Taking a water break after her nap

Dinner with Grandpa Randy

Day three!

My cousin Ben and his girlfriend Caitie

Great Grandma Anne and Grandma Lynne

Breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen!

Feeding Sleepy Beauty some eggs :)

Fruit Loops and eggs

Audrey visiting with Rafiki

Pluto was playing hide-and-seek with Audrey and she was NOT happy about it

She was much happier when she could reach his whiskers :)

Feeding Mulan some bacon :)

Hugs for Mulan

A gummy worm from Grandpa Randy

More treats...Mama must have been in a good mood :)

Ready to ride some rides
On the train with Grandpa Doug

Audrey in her new Disney Oregon Ducks shirt

Telling Mama that there is a "duck" on her shirt.
Followed by a "quack-quack"

Audrey's favorite- the goats!

Crying when it was time to leave the goats :(

Justin's dad Doug, mom Liz and Grandma Anne

Kisses from Grandma Lynne

Mark Twain boat
(Audrey thought it was much too slow)

Day four!

Ready for Toy Story Mania

Trying to steal Great Grandma's purse

Audrey loves her new doll from Grandma Lynne and Grandpa Randy

Kisses :)

Audrey with her new hat and hair clips from Grandpa Doug and Grandma Liz

Dessert from the server at Disney

Aunt Kate and Mommy

Caitie and Ben

One last group picture

Wiped out :)

Grandpa Randy taking a little nap on the bench

Grandma Lynne and Grandpa Randy

Grandpa Doug and Grandma Liz

Kate and Audrey

Until next time Disney...

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