Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Fun At the Farm

It was beautiful in Tillamook last weekend and after our day in the sand, we took Daisy and Regan down to the creek at the farm to play. They just love running around in the fields and playing in the water. Later that night we had a wonderful family BBQ and campfire, complete with smores and corn on the cob! It was a wonderful weekend. Now if we could just convince Emily to get a job in Portland and live with us for a year, the family weekends would be complete. :)

Miss Daisy ready for some "off-leash" time.

Me and my girls

Miss Regan and her "side tongue" smile
Miss Daisy and her "side tongue" smile

We set up the x-pen right next to the campfire and the dogs spent the evening digging in the dirt. I am sure Miss Regan started it, but Daisy had fun too. They were covered in dirt by the time we went in for the night. :)

Acting like she had nothing to do with it.

A Day At Tillamook Bay

We took the girls to the Tillamook Bay last weekend and they had a blast! Regan and Daisy just ran and ran and ran. The weather was perfect and we had such a great time watching the dogs play.

Miss Regan loves to dig in the sand.

My Mom came too, with her poodle Midnight (you can kind of see her on the left by Daisy's nose)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Our Girls

It didn't take long for Daisy and Regan to become the best of friends.
They play together for hours each night while I grade papers. No one ever gets hurt, they just play and play until they are out of breath and then they nap together. It is so sweet.